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One of our four strategic priorities is to invest in people. We are committed to providing the environment, development and compensation to ensure that Mosaic is a company where employees are proud to work and grow.

(G4-DMA) At Mosaic, the strength of our business relies on the commitment of an exceptional global team of employees. We are dedicated to preserving a safe, healthy and respectful work environment for an engaged, inclusive workforce. Mosaic’s Environmental Health and Safety Management System, aligned to ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ANSI-Z10, integrates internationally-regarded best management practices into our operations while affirming our ongoing safe and environmentally responsible performance. Continuous improvement is part of our culture and sustainability initiatives. Our updated Sustainability Targets include a goal to reduce incidents and injuries, and improve year over year performance. Globally, all Mosaic employees, service providers and contractors are held to the same high standards outlined in our Code of Business Conduct and EthicsCode of Business Conduct and Ethics.

phosphate and potash mineral
A male and female employee in PPE


Our Workforce

(G4-10, G4-13) Whether working in our mines, distribution facilities or offices— our employees are part of a global Mosaic team that is richly diverse in skills, experiences and backgrounds. As of Dec. 31, 2014, Mosaic employed 8,717 regular employees.

In 2014, we completed the acquisitions of the Florida phosphate assets of CF Industries, Inc., and Archer Daniels Midland Company’s fertilizer distribution businesses in Brazil and Paraguay. These two acquisitions resulted in the addition of approximately 1,100 employees.

Watch this Mosaic family welcome for our new Brazil and Paraguay employees. ¡Bem-vindo and bienvenidos!

welcome video

Additional changes made as part of Mosaic’s business strategy directly resulted in approximately 300 permanent workforce reductions. The current and potential profitability of each of the affected operations did not meet shareholder return objectives. We diligently managed the transitioning of employees in accordance with our Code of Ethics and values. This topic is covered in greater detail by our 2014 10-K.

  • In 2014, Mosaic reduced its workforce as part of a $500 million cost savings initiative in its two business units and our corporate support functions. Employees who were impacted by job loss were provided notice and career transition services.

  • On July 23, 2014, we announced our decision to permanently discontinue production of muriate of potash (MOP) at our Carlsbad, N.M., facility and transition the facility to exclusive production of our highly valued K-Mag® product line. The decision was based on the quality of the ore in the Carlsbad basin and the age of the facility’s infrastructure. The final date for production of MOP was Dec. 28, 2014. Employees who were impacted by job loss were provided notice and career transition services.

  • On July 29, 2014, we completed the sale of our salt operations at our Hersey, Mich., mine. We also closed low-producing potash operations, allowing us to focus on higher producing potash mines. Employees were transitioned to new ownership, which communicated workforce transition processes.

  • On Nov. 18, 2014, we completed the sale of our Argentina distribution assets, allowing us to focus on our more profitable distribution operations. Employees were transitioned to new ownership, which communicated workforce transition processes.

  • As of Dec. 31, 2014, we completed the closure of our Chile distribution assets, allowing us to focus on our more profitable distribution operations. Employees who were impacted by job loss were provided notice and career transition services.

Male employee on radio

We have an exceptional global team of more than 8,700 employees working in 8 countries

Attracting the Best Talent in the Industry, and Investing in Our Employees

Mosaic aims to be the employer of choice for a diverse and inclusive workforce. Our global talent investment philosophy is to provide competitive compensation and benefits, with flexibility to choose programs that best meet our employees’ needs. Mosaic provides health, welfare and retirement benefits to all full-time employees and eligible dependents.

We attract employees through methods including, but not limited to, job boards, social media, diversity career fairs, veterans career fairs and college job fairs.

In addition to our regular workforce, individual business units retain contract workers and interns. Our robust student hiring programs provide a work opportunity to summer, co-op and intern students in Canada, the United States and Brazil.

Individual business units track contract workers by hours worked and in compliance with relevant local legislation, but additional data aggregation and demographic analysis is not currently possible at the group level.

Workforce by region chart

Workforce by Employment Type, Region and Gender

FT Salary FT Hourly PT* Total
Country Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Argentina 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Australia 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Brazil 1,089 221 0 0 0 0 1,089 221
Canada 556 212 1,349 104 0 0 1,905 316
China 52 37 31 2 0 0 83 39
India 36 3 0 0 0 0 36 3
Paraguay 6 4 112 6 0 0 118 10
United States 1,443 564 2,733 147 2 4 4,178 715
Subtotals 3,185 1,041 4,225 259 2 5 7,412 1,305
Notes: Excludes long-term leaves, co-ops, seasonal and temporary employees. Mosaic does not track individual contract worker counts or demographics. 15% of Mosaic's total workforce is female.
*Defined as less than 35 hours per week.

Mosaic recognizes that women are most underrepresented across the mining and metals industry. Women make up 15% of our company’s total workforce. In the face of challenging and persistent perceptions that our sector is traditionally “male,” Mosaic strives to improve the number of women we recruit and retain.

Two Mosaic helmets

(G4-LA1) Employees by Age Group, Gender and Region

< 30 30-50 > 50 Total
Country Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Argentina 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
Australia 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
Brazil 371 93 623 121 95 7 1,089 221
Canada 295 80 1,040 182 571 54 1,905 316
China 11 7 67 31 5 1 83 39
India 6 2 29 1 1 0 36 3
Paraguay 78 7 38 3 2 0 118 10
United States 456 91 1,805 342 1,917 282 4,178 715
Subtotals 1,217 280 3,604 681 2,592 344 7,412 1,305

New Hires by Age Group, Gender and Region

< 30 30-50 > 50 Total
Country Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Brazil 201 56 213 30 33 0 447 86
Canada 45 11 53 7 8 0 106 18
Chile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
China 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
India 2 1 2 0 0 0 4 1
Paraguay 14 2 2 0 0 0 16 2
United States 151 29 407 57 254 25 812 111
Subtotals 414 100 677 94 295 25 1,386 219

Employee Turnover by Age Group, Gender and Region

< 30 30-50 > 50 Total
Country Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brazil 50 8 62 15 10 0 122 23
Canada 25 7 69 23 104 14 198 44
China 2 1 1 2 0 0 3 3
India 3 0 6 2 1 0 10 2
Paraguay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
United States 61 7 169 39 339 53 569 99
Subtotals 141 23 307 81 454 67 902 171

In 2014, overall employee turnover totaled 13%. This rate excludes employee terminations as a result of the sale of businesses in Argentina and Chile.

Close-up of male employee looking off in the distance

Together, we're making Mosaic better: We ask our employees for feedback and take actions based on what we heard

Creating a Place Where Employees Are Proud to Work and Grow Their Career

Mosaic measures employee satisfaction biennially in a comprehensive survey of employee engagement, an indicator of productivity and a force that drives business outcomes. For the 2014 survey, Mosaic’s overall employee engagement level was 73%, above the global manufacturing benchmark of 68% and just below the top quartile benchmark of 74%. Our survey participation was 82%, which means that a majority of our employees describe Mosaic as a good place to work, are committed to staying, are proud to work for Mosaic and recommend Mosaic as a great place to work.

Providing Competitive Compensation and Benefits

(G4-LA13) One of Mosaic’s strategic priorities is to invest in people, and we are committed to providing the environment, development and compensation to ensure that Mosaic is a company where employees want to work and grow.

We are an equal opportunity employer, and our recruiting practices focus on matching the best possible candidate to the position. Mosaic uses salary ranges that are competitive with market pay ranges for positions of comparable responsibility, functional knowledge, impact and other compensable factors. Each salary range has a minimum or threshold salary for a new hire, although Mosaic typically sets the actual salary above this minimum.

While our processes ensure Mosaic’s compensation is competitive and equitable, we also take steps to understand how our employees perceive their pay. In three consecutive biennial engagement surveys—administered globally to all Mosaic employees—we asked for responses to the following statement: I am paid fairly for the value I bring to Mosaic. Both women and men have continued to respond favorably to this question, with 70% and 66%, respectively, either strongly agreeing or agreeing.

Mosaic Employees:

Are proud to work for Mosaic

Are committed to staying and developing within the company

Recommend Mosaic to others and describe it as a great place to work

(G4-EC5, G4-LA2) Mosaic offers competitive compensation and benefits in each of the company’s significant locations of operation. As noted in local currency, the standard entry-level wage range is higher than the prevailing local minimum wage, with the exception of Paraguay where entry level wages are aligned with the local minimum wage. For Mosaic, minimum wages are generally not relevant since the majority of entry-level Mosaic positions require a higher level of skills or knowledge than jobs at which the minimum wage rate would apply.

Within each of the countries in which Mosaic operates, benefits provided or offered to our full-time employees may differ for various reasons, including:

  • State or country mandated benefit laws that apply to Mosaic employees in a specific geography

  • Labor agreements between Mosaic and labor organizations acting on behalf of represented employees

  • Market-specific benefit programs or practices that exist within an area that Mosaic competes for labor

  • The impact to employees of local or national tax laws regarding the treatment of company-sponsored benefits

Mosaic provides competitive compensation and bonus opportunities for jobs in all disciplines and geographic markets based on company and individual performance. Additionally, Mosaic contributes toward retirement income benefits, which may include defined-benefit pension plans, defined-contribution plans or other supplemental retirement plans across our locations and countries. The majority of administrative, insurance and other costs associated with Mosaic-sponsored health and welfare plans is borne by us. Participation in the retirement plans is automatic in the United States and Canada. The defined-contribution plan is open to all, but it is not mandatory to participate.

Comparing Mosaic's Entry-Level Wage to Local Minimum Wage

Significant Local Minimum Wage Mosaic Entry-level Wages Mosaic Entry-level Wage
U.S. Wage
range/hr (USD)
$7.25–$8.05 $11.11–$22.41 153%
Canada Wage
range/hr (CAD)
$10.20 $15.34–$25.78 174%
Brazil Wage
range/hr (BRL)
3.55–6.07 4.82–8.63 142%
China Wage
range/hr (CNY)
8.51–8.97 16.09–27.30 189%
India Wage
range/hr (INR)
41.11–62.35 130.66–168.01 318%
Paraguay Wage
range/hr (PGY)
8,291.16 8,291.16–9,090.91 100%

Employee Benefits

= Yes   = No
Type of Benefit United States Canada Brazil Paraguay India China
Health Care
Life Insurance
AD&D Insurance
Disability Coverage
Employee Assistance
Defined-benefit Plan
Savings Plan
Annual Profit Sharing
Maternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Sickness Leave
Deferred Bonus and
Deferred Pay
Long-term Incentives
Stock Ownership
Relocation Assistance
Flex Time Program
Formal Wellness Programs
Tuition Assistance /
Telecommute Program
Retirement Profit Sharing

(G4-LA3) Parental leave is offered to employees in North America, South America and Asia. As parental leaves vary in accordance with local laws and customs across the regions where we operate, Mosaic is unable to track retention rates of employees returning from parental leave. For example, in the United States, parental leave is undistinguished from broader reporting on the Family and Medical Leave Act, as well as state laws.

Labor & Management Relations

(G4-DMA) Mosaic values collective bargaining as an important form of collaborative employee engagement. In addition, Mosaic is sensitive to the needs of its employees, and much consideration is placed on applicable notice periods for any such changes that may impact employees. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining is respected in all of Mosaic’s operations per our Commitment to Human Rights, which is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the most widely recognized definition of human rights and the responsibilities of national governments; the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

(G4-11) Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements

Total Worldwide Employees 8,717
Total Employees Represented by a Union 4,730
Percentage Represented 54.26%
corporate woman smiling

We’re committed to ensuring Mosaic is a company where employees want to work and grow

(G4-LA4) Some of Mosaic’s labor agreements contain provisions of advance notice periods with respect to significant operational changes that impact employees. In the United States, we adhere to federal and state WARN (The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act) laws that require a 60-day notification of plant closings and mass layoffs. Mosaic meets and usually exceeds the minimum notice required, which varies by local legislation and collective bargaining agreements in the regions where we operate.

(G4-MM4) Mosaic has not been subject to organized labor actions, including strikes or lockouts of any duration, at any of its locations in the 2014 reporting period. Moreover, we have not had a strike by or lockout of our employees in facilities where Mosaic is the majority owner since our formation in 2004.

Our Commitment to Diversity & Equal Opportunity

(G4-LA12) Mosaic’s Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy provides equal employment opportunities to all Mosaic employees and other qualified persons without regard to race, religion, color, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital status, citizenship status, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or any other legally protected status under applicable laws in countries where Mosaic employees work. The policy also provides that Mosaic is committed to maintaining a work environment free of discrimination. Mosaic’s commitment applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to:

  • Recruiting and hiring
  • Training and promotion
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Performance assessments
  • Transfer
  • Terminations
  • Layoff or recall from layoff
  • Leaves of absence
  • Company-sponsored training and education

Retaliation or reprisal toward an employee who has exercised their rights under this policy is strictly prohibited. Mosaic’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reinforces this policy.

Mosaic tracks ethnicity only in the United States. Diversity indicators include American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races, or White.

Close-up of corporate man speaking

Ethnicity by Gender 2014 (United States)

Note: Includes United States, active employees, regular employees and employees on a leave of absence. 27.55% of the company's workforce is considered to be a part of a minority group.

Total Management Workforce Worldwide by Gender and Age

< 30 30-50 > 50 Total
Gender Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage
Male 50 4.24% 633 53.69% 496 42.07% 1,179
Female 20 9.26% 144 66.67% 52 24.07% 216

Total U.S. Management Workforce by Ethnicity

Ethnicity Count Percentage
American Indian or Alaskan 1 0.12%
Asian 15 1.84%
Black or African American 55 6.75%
Hispanic or Latino 49 6.01%
Two or More Races 5 0.61%
Unknown 3 0.37%
White 687 84.29%
Total 815 100%

Note: Includes United States, active employees, regular employees and employees on a leave of absence. 15.71% of the company's management force is considered to be a member of a minority group.

employee walking down the stairs


Maintaining a Safe Workplace

Reducing Our Incidents and Injuries

(G4-LA5) We believe sustainability begins with the health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors. In our pursuit of an injury-free workplace, we track safety closely, including near-misses and their causes in order to mitigate potential risks.

Mosaic has safety committees at a majority of our global operations. All Mosaic U.S. and Canada locations have formal joint safety committees, with the exception of small locations, such as warehouses, with 15 or fewer employees, and two non-unionized operations that are restructuring their joint safety committees and will roll out the newly structured joint safety committees shortly. The role of these committees, which are comprised of employees from all levels, is to promote safety awareness and reinforce a working environment that promotes connectivity, teamwork and productivity among employees while supporting Mosaic’s relentless pursuit of an injury-free workplace.

(G4-LA6, G4-LA7) Mosaic follows U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards to calculate recordable injury frequency rates (RIFR) on a global basis. An OSHA recordable injury is an occupational injury that requires medical treatment that is more than simple first aid. The most common injuries are sprains/strains; cuts/lacerations/avulsions; fractures; bruises/contusions; and burns. Lost day frequency rate (LDFR) calculates the frequency rate of calendar days lost. Lost days begin the day after the lost time occurs and calendar days are counted, with no exception for weekends, holidays, vacation or scheduled time off.

Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (RIFR) CY2014

Employee Contractor Total
United States 1.28 0.67 1.03
Canada 1.52 1.44 1.49
International 0.06 0.53 0.17
Total 1.11 0.87 1.02
Note: Mosaic does not track RIFR or LDFR specifically by gender.

Lost Day Frequency Rate (LDFR) CY2014

Employee Contractor Total
United States 0.122 0.000 0.084
Canada 0.082 0.131 0.101
International 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 0.088 0.054 0.075
Note: Mosaic does not track RIFR or LDFR specifically by gender.

Mosaic Promotes:

safety awareness
driving toward an incident & injury-free workplace
teamwork & productivity

In 2014, there was one work-related fatality involving a contractor who was repairing contractor-owned mobile equipment at a closed Mosaic facility. Following the event, Mosaic’s Contractor Safety Management Program was reviewed and updated with improved controls to prevent similar incidents.

In addition, the Mosaic Corporate Standard related to mobile equipment repair was updated to ensure positive control of equipment being serviced.

The highest risk to our workforce is hearing loss, with mechanics appearing to be at the highest risk.

male employee in PPE working

Our first responsibility is to ensure every Mosaic employee returns home safely at the end of each work day

Absenteeism Rates CY2014 (%)

Phosphates* 2.59%
Potash** 6.66%
Brazil 4.60%
India*** 0.00%
China*** 0.00%

*Data for hourly and salary nonexempt employees only.
**Except for Colonsay, Potash's data is for hourly employees only.
***In China and India, all full-time Mosaic employees are salaried, and absenteeism is accounted for per their respective HR policies.

(G4-LA8) Mosaic is committed to conducting business activities in a manner that protects the health and safety of its employees, contractors, customers and communities. In addition to health and safety topics being covered in the majority of our union contracts, the relentless pursuit of an injury-free workplace is the top priority of Mosaic.

woman showing a man something on the computer

Training &

Developing & Supporting Our People

(G4-LA9, G4-LA10) Mosaic employees are encouraged to continuously learn and improve their skills. With management support, we offer a companywide educational reimbursement program to help employees in each of our operating countries better meet their current job responsibilities, as well as prepare for future career opportunities within our company. Our internal training opportunities also support the continuous development of Mosaic employees at all levels:

  • Leadership
  • Professional and career development
  • Environmental, health and safety (EHS) training
  • Equipment and maintenance training
  • Continuous improvement
we are strengthening skills and investing in our employees through workplace training, and financial reimbursement to those continuing their education

2014 Training and Education

Course Title Time in Hours
Leadership, Professional Development and Function Training
(HR, IT, Finance and Commercial for all Employees)
Topics in Business Conduct and Ethics 1,459
EHS and Operations Training
Phosphates 180,974
Potash 141,101
China 1,799
Brazil 57,595
India 6
Plymouth 300
Total Hours 414,537
Hours Per Employee 50.0
Notes: Currently the company does not track employee training and education specifically by employee category or gender. In 2014 Mosaic transitioned to a new Learning Management System and as a result, some training hours may have been lost or unaccounted for during this period. These figures do not include training or education pursued externally and paid for in whole or in part by Mosaic. We plan to account for these hours in future reporting periods. Over 200 employees are enrolled in Mosaic's tuition reimbursement program. Year over year differences in hours on certain topics are likely attributable to added granularity and reorganization of course "buckets." On-the-job training hours related to job changes (estimated at 40 hours per person, per change) are not included. We plan to account for these hours in future reporting periods.
man with glasses

Our performance management process includes goal alignment and career development to achieve excellence

Mosaic provides employees with helpful planning tools, calculators, articles, videos and webcasts, in addition to optional services provided by our third-party vendors.

Mosaic also provides support and training for employees during transitional career stages. When a reduction in our workforce occurs, we provide comprehensive career transition services to employees to help ease the stress that accompanies job loss. Please see Our Workforce for more information on these efforts in 2014.

(G4-LA11) As part of our strategic priority of investing in people, we have a performance management process called EDGE—Evaluating, Developing and Growing Excellence. Our performance management process has evolved to include scaled competencies, goal alignment and an emphasis on employee and career development.

Percentage of Employees Receiving Regular Performance and Career Development Reviews, by Gender

Male Female Total
Full-time Salaried Population (Launched Forms) 2,335 940 3,275
Performance Reviews Given 2,288 895 3,183
Percentage of Reviews Received 97.99% 95.21% 97.19%*
Note: Employees who were added through our Brazil and Paraguay acquisitions on Dec. 17, 2014, are not included in these calculations. They will be eligible for an annual performance review in 2015.